Newsletter September 2023




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Children Vaccination

How to get vaccinations to protect primary and secondary children


Suicide Bereavement Service

The South East London Suicide Bereavement Service provides emotional and practical support to adults and young people bereaved through suicide, with a focus on the recently bereaved.

Service provides:

  • one-to-one support in the aftermath of the death
  • peer support groups and events
  • bereavement counseling
  • information and signposting The service welcomes both self-referrals and referrals from professionals. For more information, including the

How to contact the service


Blood Pressure monitoring

Know Your Numbers! Week is being celebrated 4-10 September 2023.

Partnership Southwark is joining Blood Pressure UK in reminding people in Southwark that home monitoring is the easiest way to find out their blood pressure numbers.

To help people in Southwark, there are community pharmacies and GP surgeries across the borough offering free blood pressure check. Patients can view the locations in Google Maps.

There are also health kiosks across the borough which can measure your blood pressure, alongside the other measures included in the Vital 5. These are five measures which can give you signs about your current and future health. The kiosks are free to use and can help people track their progress too. The locations are in Google Maps.

Nhs England

Call 111 when it's a concern, but less urgent than 999.

The NHS non-emergency number.

111 is the NHS non-emergency number. It's fast, easy and free. Call 111 and speak to a highly trained adviser, supported by healthcare professionals. NHS 111 is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Calls are free from landlines and mobile phones.

Help us to help you

Taking the right action  and using the right service means you can get a quicker treatment

Visit our Self-help & local services section

Published: Sep 4, 2023