Baby Clinic




Health visiting service in Lambeth or Southwark

Information about Community health visiting service for families in Lambeth or Southwark who have a child under the age of five can be found on Health visiting service - Evelina London.

The walk in clinics are held at the Tessa Jowell Health Centre,  72H East Dulwich Grove, SE22 8EY.  The clinic are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9.30am - 11.30am and 1.30pm - 3pm.  The last admission will be 15 minutes before the end of the clinic.  Anyone who is registered with a Southwark postcode can attend. If clients have a query they can contact 0203 049 8166.

image of a baby being weighed


Health visiting service in Lewisham

Information about Health Visitors service for families who have children between the ages of 0 and five can be found on Lewisham Health Visitors - NHS.

The practice recommends the full range of childhood immunisations. Please click here for the full schedule.

Further details of the schedule can be found in the Personal Child Health Record also known as the Red Book in England.

Consent for immunisations or treatment is sought from the person with parental responsibility; this is usually the mother. It is our policy to ask for written consent should your child attend with someone other than this person e.g. au pair, nanny, other family member. Further guidance on parental responsibility can be found on the government website