Antenatal Service




Your antenatal care will be carried out by Kings Midwifery Services. You will be offered an initial booking appointment where all options for delivery will be discussed. You will also be sent an appointment for an ultrasound scan. You can self refer to 

  • Antenatal clinic reception/appointments, tel 020 3299 3246
  • Women can self-refer by filling in the self-referral form.

Please be aware that, depending on your postcode, Lewisham or St Thomas' may be your local hospital. If this is the case, Kings can offer you antenatal and delivery care only. For further details of care from alternative hospitals, please check their websites.

image of a pregnant patient

Your postnatal and baby check will take place about eight weeks after delivery and we ask all mothers to attend this appointment. Your doctor will discuss with you any problems you may be experiencing.